Examples of Capital components in a sentence
Furthermore, the model can grow incrementally without having to be re-implemented in another tool as the design progresses.As reported by design practitioner participants in a recent workshop at Stanford University4, there is, increasingly, a requirement for energy modeling in early stage design, particularly from more sophisticated clients.
This section contains an Executive Summary of the Joe Gqabi District Municipality’s (JGDM) Budget followed by a more detailed explanation of its Operating and Capital components over the next three years.
The [AGENCY] will adjust the countercyclical capital buffer amount for private sector credit exposures to reflect decisions made by foreign jurisdictions consistent with due process requirements described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.Subpart C—Definition of Capital§ ll.20 Capital components and eligibility criteria for regulatory capital instruments.
AnEnterprise must use its stability capital buffer calculated in accordance with subpart G of this part for purposes of determining its maximum payout ratio under Table 1 to paragraph (b)(5) of this section.Subpart C—Definition of Capital§ 1240.20 Capital components and eligibility criteria for regulatory capital instruments.
Capital components of the EDMS include a server, scanner, and associated software with a present book value of $19,655.
The following table presents our capital components and RWAs. Capital components and risk-weighted assets Dec.
Input is the composite index of the Labor, Materials, and Capital components.
The regression results focusing on the relationship between Islamic banks performance and the Intellectual Capital components are represents in Table 4.
This leads to different effects and impact on the Capital components.
If any acquisitions are required, Design will work with Right of Way to update RWDS during early design phase and the project manager will prepare necessary paperwork to increase the RW Support and RW Capital components accordingly.