Capital Region definition

Capital Region means that area set out in section 27 of the RHA Regulation, but excluding the Town of Churchill.
Capital Region means the ACT and that area of New South Wales adjacent to the ACT and bounded by a line from Murrumbateman in the north through Bungendore, Captain's Flat and Bredbo to Rosedale in the south, from Rosedale through the southern tip of the Tantangara Reservoir to Dubbo Flat, to the junction of the Goodradigbee River and Micalong Creek to Murrumbateman.
Capital Region means the area encompassing the following electoral districts as described and delineated in the House of Assembly Act as follows

Examples of Capital Region in a sentence

  • Note: For bidders choosing to submit using epost Connect for bids closing at the Bid Receiving Unit in the National Capital Region (NCR) the email address is: Note: Bids will not be accepted if emailed directly to this email address.

  • Members may rent or own a secondary residence in the National Capital Region.

  • Members who own a secondary residence in the National Capital Region may charge the accommodation rate for each day it is available for the Member’s occupancy and is not rented to any other person.

  • Members whose constituency is located in the National Capital Region are not eligible to claim secondary residence expenses.

  • Per diem and accommodation expenses incurred by the employees may be charged to the Member’s Office Budget.• Member’s accommodation and per diem expenses: When in travel status, Members may charge per diem and accommodation expenses incurred while in the National Capital Region or when travelling elsewhere to the Travel Status Expenses Account.• Member’s secondary residence expenses: Secondary residence expenses are charged to the Travel Status Expenses Account.

More Definitions of Capital Region

Capital Region means the lands lying within the boundaries of the participating municipalities;
Capital Region means the towns contiguous to the city of Hartford, including the town of East Hartford.
Capital Region means the Capital Region of Denmark (in Danish: “Region Hovedstaden”), [***].
Capital Region means the area consisting of the following:
Capital Region means the geographical boundaries of the CRD, inclusive of CRD municipalities and electoral areas.
Capital Region means Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Incheon Metropolitan City and Gyeonggi-Do.
Capital Region means the Edmonton metropolitan region;