Car sharing definition
Examples of Car sharing in a sentence
Car sharing Where high scheme membership and demand in particular locations justify the allocation of bays.
Car sharing" means a membership program intended to offer an alternative to car ownership under which persons or entities that become mem- bers are permitted to use vehicles from a fleet on an hourly basis.
Car sharing has flourished in Europe, where in 1999 there were over 200 organizations in 450 cities involving over 130,000 participants (Sperling, Shaheen and Wagner, 1999).
Good pedestrian routes exist between the site and nearby bus stops on the Monahan Road and on the Blackrock Road.Cycling: Cycle parking spaces and associated showers and lockers will be provided on the site for construction staff.Car Sharing: Car sharing among construction staff should be encouraged, especially from areas where construction staff may be clustered.
Car sharing: The University of Lausanne does not cover the use of your personal car for your job.