Examples of Case in a sentence
Case management system tickets opened during the current measurement period will be used to compute the following: Total number of inquiries submitted through the portal and responded to within the corresponding acceptable time frame, divided by the total number of inquiries submitted through the portal.
The Street Outreach Case Manager will work with several City of Appleton departments, including but not limited to Community and Economic Development, Health Department, Public Works, the Police Department, and the Library as well as referrals from local community partners, including but not limited to the Fox Cities Housing Coalition members.
The Street Outreach Case Manager will reach people who might not otherwise seek assistance or come to the attention of the homelessness service system and ensures that people’s basic needs are met while supporting them along pathways toward housing stability.
The Street Outreach Case Manager position will report to management at ADVOCAP and the City of Appleton.
The Instructing Party and the Lay Client have the right and licence to use the Barrister’s work product for the particular Case and the particular purpose for which it is prepared.