THE COMMISSIONER. 55.1. The Commissioner, in addition to those matters elsewhere herein expressly made subject to his/her determination, direction or approval, shall have the power: 55.1.1. To review and make determinations on any and all questions in relation to this Contract and its performance; and 55.1.2. To modify or change this Contract so as to require the performance of Extra Work (subject, however, to the limitations specified in Article 49) or the omission of Contract Work; and 55.1.3. To suspend the whole or any part of the Work whenever in his/her judgment such suspension is required: In the interest of the City generally; or To coordinate the Work of the various contractors engaged on this Project pursuant to the provisions of Article 40; or To expedite the completion of the entire Project even though the completion of this particular Contract may thereby be delayed.
THE COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner, in addition to those matters elsewhere herein expressly made subject to his/her determination, direction or approval, shall have the power:
THE COMMISSIONER. 65.1. The Commissioner, in addition to those matters elsewhere herein expressly made subject to his/her determination, direction or approval, shall have the power: 65.1.1. To review and make determinations on any and all questions in relation to this Contract and its performance; and 65.1.2. To modify or change this Contract so as to require the performance of Extra Work (subject, however, to the limitations specified in Article 58) or the omission of Contract Work; and 65.1.3. To suspend the whole or any part of the Work whenever in his/her judgment such suspension is required:
THE COMMISSIONER. Sec. 1. The Office of the Commissioner of Baseball is an unincorporated association also doing business as Major League Baseball and has as its members the Major League Baseball Clubs.
THE COMMISSIONER. 33.1 The Commissioner, in addition to those matters elsewhere herein expressly made subject to his determination, direction or approval, shall have the power: (a) to review and determine any and all questions in relation to this Agreement and its performance; and (b) to modify or change this Agreement so as to require: (i) the performance of Extra Work (subject, however, to the limitations specified in Article 26 hereof); or (ii) the omission of Work whenever he deems it in the interest of the City to do so; or both; and (c) to postpone, delay, suspend or terminate the whole or any part of the Work, whenever in his judgment such action is required in the interest of the City.
THE COMMISSIONER. (via the Contract Manager) instructs or agrees a change to the information contained in, or the works/services to be provided under, a Service Order unless such change is stated elsewhere in this contract or in the relevant Service Order as not being a compensation event;
THE COMMISSIONER. 5.1 DEDS will remain responsible for formal interface with Members on service budgets and policy matters, including reporting overall performance of the Street Environment service, informed, where applicable by Commercial Services. They will have specific responsibilities for: 1. The running of the customer hotline; 2. The payment of all disposal and gate fees for the disposal of domestic waste and recycling collections; 3. The provision of disposal facilities, suitable for the safe disposal of arisings; 4. Purchase and supply of wheeled containers; 5. Assessment of requests for assisted wheeled bin collections, including an annual review; 6. Booking and organising the collection of bulky household items and bonded asbestos and other bulky collections; 7. Purchase and supply of recycling boxes; 8. Enforcement action, relating to inappropriately presented commercial and domestic refuse and dumped refuse; 9. The development and implementation of education and encouragement campaigns for kerbside recycling; (if no recycling assistant transferred)
THE COMMISSIONER. The commissioner has responsibility for service budgets and policy. They currently also have responsibility for a range of more specific issues outlined in the SLA (e.g. customer hotline; purchase of wheeled bins and recycling boxes, booking the collection of bulky household items, reporting against national indicators etc.) The work currently being undertaken by Agylisis may clarify some of these but, in any event, in a full Commissioner/Provider arrangement, responsibility for all operational issues should lie with the Provider and the higher level policy and financial issues remaining with the Commissioner.
THE COMMISSIONER. Key take-aways
THE COMMISSIONER upon receiving reasonable notice, shall provide the Minister with any additional information reasonably relating to the financial implications of the Provincial Police Service, including the results of any internal audit of the Service conducted by the Force.