Domestic use definition
Examples of Domestic use in a sentence
With tracheal intubation, airway patency is restored and the lower airways can be protected from aspiration.• General anesthesia.
Domestic use does not include use by or for a public water system.
Domestic use includes water used inside the home for any purpose and may also include use outside the home for landscape irrigation, irrigating a garden or providing water to domestic livestock.
Domestic use of UASs requires consultation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and must be consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and memoranda of agreement concerning the operations of UASs in the National Airspace System.
Domestic use, for purposes of this definition, is water for one or more households and water used for all other purposes including irrigation of a residential lot in connection with each of the households where the diversion to each household does not exceed thirteen thousand (13,000) gallons per day.