Examples of Cash Flow Hedge in a sentence
Other (Cash Flow Hedge Gain/Loss, Shares of Investments Valued by Equity Method in Other Comprehensive Income Classified Through Profit or Loss and Other Accumulated Amounts of Other Comprehensive Income Items Reclassified Through Other Profit or Loss)The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
Amounts deferred in the Cash Flow Hedge Reserve Account are recycled in the statement of profit and loss in the periods when the hedged item is recognised and affects the statement of profit and loss, in the same line as the hedged item.
The Parent Bank implements effectiveness tests at the balance sheet dates for hedge accounting; the effective parts are accounted as defined in TAS 39, in financial statements under equity “Hedging reserves”, whereas the amount concerning ineffective part is associated with income statement.Derivative financial instruments which used as hedging instruments in Cash Flow Hedge accounting are swap interest transactions.
Cash Flow Hedge Reserve CA-2.4.6The amount of the cash flow hedge reserve that relates to the hedging of items that are not fair valued on the balance sheet (including projected cash flows) must be derecognised in the calculation of CET1.
Other (Cash Flow Hedge Income/Loss, Accumulated Amount of the Shares Stated as Other Comprehensive Income Reclassified Through Profit or Loss and Components Reclassified as Other Profit or Loss of the Investments Valued by Equity Method.
A portion of this effect would be recognized as other comprehensive income since a portion of the Company’s borrowings was used as cash flow hedge of the foreign exchange rate risk of a portion of its highly probable future sales in US dollars (see Hedge Accounting - Cash Flow Hedge below for details).
The effective portion of gains or losses on derivative contracts designated as cash flow hedges are initially recorded in the Cash Flow Hedge Reserve but are reclassified to current period earnings when the hedged cash flow occurs.
Cash Flow Hedge Forward exchange contracts entered into to hedge foreign currency risks of firm commitments or highly probable forecast transactions, that qualify as cash flow hedges are recorded in accordance with the principles of hedge accounting enunciated in Accounting Standard (AS) 30 – Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement.
In case of cash flow hedges, any cumulative gain or loss deferred in the Cash Flow Hedge Reserve Account at that time is retained and is recognised when the forecast transaction is ultimately recognised and affects the statement of profit and loss.
Accounting for cash flow hedges: To the extent the hedge is effective, movements in fair value adjustments, other than adjustments for own or counterparty credit risk, are recognised in Other Comprehensive Income and presented in a separate Cash Flow Hedge Reserve.