Examples of Spot delivery in a sentence
So many times, they don't try to renegotiate at all - they just sign whatever they are presented with."APPENDIX 2: Examples of Spot Delivery Disclosure Agreements Spot delivery disclosures are included as addendums in auto loan applications in order to allow the dealer to repossess the vehicle in the event they cannot assign the loan to an outside lender.
Spot delivery deals are for deliveries of shares on the same day or the next day as the payment is made.
Spot delivery is the practice of delivering a car to a consumer before final approval for the financing is received from the financing source.
Current balances as of June 30, 2020 are shown in the year the debt matures.
International Scenario of Nickel Market • The cost of nickel reached a two-year high of $21,625 a metric ton on May 13, 2014.• Spot delivery of refined nickel in China Stainless Steel Exchange reached 7,107 tons in May, 2014 due to Indonesia ore export ban.• Nickel galloped more than 40 this year after Indonesia, the largest supplier to China, banned ore exports.
US manufacturing PMI edges higher to 59 in March – The IHS Markit's Manufacturing PMI stood higher to 59 in March compared to 58.6 in February.
To request a quote, the following parameters will normally be required: ▪ Buy and Sell currencies ▪ One of the amounts involved – Buy or Sell ▪ FX trade Settlement Date (Value Date): • when requesting a quote via API, the Customer will have the option to inform a Value Date (optional field) up to Spot delivery: o When informed, the value date will be checked to confirm it is correct and available.
Spot delivery" means a contingent motor vehicle sale transaction by which the buyer is allowed to take possession of the motor vehicle pending the finalization of financing.” N.M. Code R.
Spot delivery, i.e., the transaction is settled by delivery and payment on the date of the contract or the next day.2. Hand delivery, i.e., delivery and payment is completed within 14 days from the date of the contract.3. Specified or special delivery, i.e., delivery and payment may be completed after 14 days as specified at the time of the bargain.4. Clearing, i.e., delivery and clearing of security take place through a clearance house.
Spot delivery means delivery of foreign exchange on the second working day after the day of transaction.