Blendstock definition
Blendstock means and includes any petroleum product component of motor fuel, such as naphtha, reformate, or toluene; or any oxygenate that can be blended for use in a motor fuel.
Blendstock means a fuel component that is either used alone or is blended with one or more other components to produce a finished fuel used in a motor vehicle. A blendstock that is used directly as a transportation fuel in a vehicle is considered a finished fuel.
Blendstock means a component that is either used alone or is blended with another component(s) to produce a finished fuel used in a motor vehicle. Each blendstock corresponds to a fuel pathway in the California- modified GREET. A blendstock that is used directly as a transportation fuel in a vehicle is considered a finished fuel.
Examples of Blendstock in a sentence
Section 2266.5 (Requirements Pertaining to California Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygen Blending (CARBOB) and Downstream Blending), as of April 9, 2005.
RBOB: The acronym, "RBOB" shall be used as a designation for Reformulated gasoline Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending.
Section 2266.5. Requirements Pertaining to California Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygen Blending (CARBOB) and Downstream Blending.
Fuels must be reported as the individual Blendstock, Distillate Fuel Oil or biomass-derived fuel listed in Table 2 of this section.
Petroleum-based fuels, such as California Reformulated Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (CARBOB) or diesel, are assigned a CI value based on average production data from several providers.
More Definitions of Blendstock
Blendstock means any liquid compound that is blended with another liquid compound to produce a motor fuel, including Arizona CBG. A deposit-control or similar additive registered under 40 CFR 79 is not a blendstock.
Blendstock means a fuel component that is either used alone or is blended with one or more other components to produce a finished fuel used in a motor vehicle. Each blendstock corresponds to a fuel pathway in the Washington Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emis- sions, and Energy use in Transportation version 3.0 (WA-GREET 3.0) model, (November 28, 2022), which is incorporated herein by reference. A blendstock that is used directly as a transportation fuel in a vehi- cle is considered a finished fuel.
Blendstock means a component that is either used alone or is blended with another component(s) to produce a finished fuel used in a motor vehicle. Each blendstock corresponds to a fuel pathway in the
Blendstock means substances or other additives mixed with gasoline or diesel fuel to make such products saleable including, without limitation, toluene, ethanol, Texas low emission diesel additive and butane.
Blendstock means a component that is either used alone or is blended with another component(s) to produce a finished fuel used in a motor vehicle. Each blendstock corresponds to a fuel pathway in the California-modified Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation version 3.0 (CA- GREET 34.0) model, (August 13, 2018), which is incorporated herein by reference.[Date of adoption]. A blendstock that is used directly as a transportation fuel in a vehicle is considered a finished fuel.
Blendstock means a component blended with one or more other components to produce a finished fuel used in a motor vehicle.
Blendstock means a substance having the Commodity ID, Commodity Description and Typical Specifications set forth under the heading Blendstocks in Schedule 1.01(a).