Scaling definition
Scaling as used herein, involves:
Scaling means use of instruments on the crown and root surfaces of the teeth to remove plaque, calculus, and stains from these surfaces.
Scaling means a procedure to remove plaque, calculus, and stain deposits from tooth surfaces.
Examples of Scaling in a sentence
All log scaling shall be done in accordance with Official Rules for Log Scaling and Grading Bureaus – Westside Log Scaling Handbook.
PURCHASER shall require approved Log Scaling Bureau to mail or email directly to the COUNTY, bi-monthly summaries of all logs scaled from this sale during that period.
Merchantable products" shall be those logs defined as merchantable by the Official Log Scaling, Westside Log Scaling Handbook.
More Definitions of Scaling
Scaling means increasing the capacity of transactions a network can handle at the core blockchain layer.
Scaling means a procedure to remove plaque, calcu- lus, and stain deposits from tooth surfaces.
Scaling means entering a house or an enclosed place annexed to the same, through a passage not normally used as an entrance or through any other device designed to lock or prevent entrance or passage.
Scaling status means that the computing units are being allocated to the Apps in question.
Scaling means the instrumentation by scaler or by periodontal curette of the crown and root surfaces of the teeth.
Scaling means the determination of the gross and net volumes of round wood in cords, cubic feet, cubic metres, board feet or assumed standards;
Scaling means removal of insecure material from a face or highwall;