Examples of CAT LAE in a sentence
The A&O subsidy and CAT LAE shown on the September monthly settlement report following the end of the reinsurance year, will not be netted with amounts due from the Company, but will be paid no later than the third business day of October.
If the Company fails to comply with this provision, FCIC may deny all or a portion of A&O subsidy or CAT LAE.
The initial payment to the Company of A&O subsidy and CAT LAE will be based on information reported on the September monthly settlement report following the end of the reinsurance year, and will be adjusted monthly thereafter.
The initial payment to the Company of A&O subsidy and CAT LAE will be based on information reported on the September monthly settlementreport following the end of the reinsurance year, and will be adjusted monthly thereafter.
B) A&O subsidy and CAT LAE will be paid to the Company after the Company submits, and FCIC accepts, acreage reports, or other similar reports (e.g., preliminary tonnage report for eligible raisin crop insurance contracts, or inventory value reports for nursery and clam crop insurance contracts, annual farm report for eligible AGR crop insurance contracts).
General Terms (1) To receive reinsurance, A&O subsidy, CAT LAE, and risk subsidy under this Agreement, an insurance contract must qualify as an eligible crop insurance contract, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement.
Section 11 of Manager’s Bulletin 10-011.1 states that the payment of processing, including computer hardware, up to and including 5 percent of the A&O subsidy and CAT LAE for a State for a reinsurance year will not be deemed as agent compensation.
Section II(a)(6) of the SRA further states: A violation of paragraph (5) will result in the denial of reinsurance, A&O subsidy, CAT LAE, and risk subsidy, for all eligible crop insurance contracts for which such violation occurred, and may subject the person who committed or authorized the violation to administrative sanctions, including, but not limited to, disqualification under the Act or applicable regulations.