Financial Assistance Agreement means the Financial Assistance Agreement by and between the State of Wisconsin by the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Administration and the Municipality pursuant to which the Bonds are to be issued and sold to the State, substantially in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference;
National Ambient Air Quality Standards or “NAAQS” means national ambient air quality standards that are promulgated pursuant to Section 109 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7409.
Public assistance means Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); auxiliary grants to the aged, blind and disabled; medical assistance; energy assistance; food stamps; employment services; child care; and general relief.
Financial assistance means the transfer of money or property to an Applicant or Participant to accomplish a public purpose of support authorized by Federal statute through Grants or Cooperative Agreements and sub-awards. For DOE, it does not include direct loans, loan guarantees, price guarantees, purchase agreements, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), or any other type of financial incentive instrument.
technical assistance means any technical support related to repairs, development, manufacture, assembly, testing, maintenance, or any other technical service, and may take forms such as instruction, advice, training, transmission of working knowledge or skills or consulting services, including verbal forms of assistance;