asylum seeker definition

asylum seeker means a person who is not under 18 and has made a claim for asylum which has been recorded by the Secretary of State but which has not been determined;
asylum seeker means a person who is seeking recognition as a refugee in the Republic;
asylum seeker means a person who makes a request to be recognised as a refugee under the Geneva Convention on the basis that it would be contrary to St. Helena’s obligations under the Geneva Convention for him to be removed from or required to leave St. Helena;

More Definitions of asylum seeker

asylum seeker means a person
asylum seeker means a person who has made a formal application for asylum to the Home Office for recognition as a refugee under the 1951 UN convention and its 1967 Protocol relating to the status of Refugees;
asylum seeker means a person who is seeking recognition as a refugee in the Republic in accordance with the provisions of the Refugees Act; ‘bargaining council’ means a bargaining council referred to in section 27 of the Labour Relations Act”;
asylum seeker means an alien from the time of submission of an application for international protection until the procedure is finally concluded, discontinued or deemed no longer relevant;
asylum seeker means a foreigner who after entering the national territory of India expresses an intention to seek a grant of asylum;
asylum seeker means a person who has made an application for the grant of refugee status under section 19 of this Act;
asylum seeker means any applicant for asy- lum under section 208 or any alien who indi- cates an intention to apply for asylum under that section.’’.