Lot 1 definition
Lot 1. On-Site Net Metered Ground System Lot 2: Remote Net Metered Ground System Lot 3: On-Site Net Metered Pole System Lot 4: Remote Net Metered Pole System Lot 5: On-Site Net Metered Parking Canopy System Lot 6: On-Site Net Metered Roof System Item 4 (All Lots): Solar Power Storage System with Smart Inverter
Lot 1 means the separate legal parcel to be subdivided from the Lands, approximately as shown as "Lot 1" on the subdivision plan attached hereto as Appendix B;
Lot 1 means the undeveloped lot east of Second Street, south of Portway Avenue, and west and south of a road leading from the north end of Portway Avenue south to Second Street.
Examples of Lot 1 in a sentence
See lots below: • Lot 1 - Pharmaceutical Primary Care • Lot 2 - Pharmaceutical Secondary Care • Lot 3 - National Vaccine Programme Products • Lot 4 - High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) Vaccine Distribution • Lot 5 - Repacked & Relabelled Products • Lot 6 - Medical Devices, Consumables, Reagent & Equipment.
More Definitions of Lot 1
Lot 1 means the lands legally described as:
Lot 1. A single Supplier Lot - Direct award The following Supplier has been awarded a place on the Framework: HH Associates Ltd (Trading as HH Global) This lot offers the full range of print management services; with the benefit of a focus on strategic and transformational services through continuous improvements process and efficiencies to maximise benefits and savings for all public sector organisations. There are three account management options available for you to choose from. Account management options Level 1: Customer service team Level 2: Dedicated account team, located at the Suppliers offices Level 3: Dedicated staff, located on your site Please refer to Annex 1 of this guidance document for a summary of services offered for each of the account management options, for full details please refer to Framework Schedule 1 Specification. (See section 6.4 of this guidance document for further information) Lot 2: A Multi Supplier Lot - Further competition only The following Suppliers have been awarded a place on the Framework: ● Allied Publicity Services (Manchester) Limited ● Corporate Document Services Ltd ● Cubiquity Limited ● Harlow Printing Limited ● PSL Print Management Ltd ● Xxxxxxxx Xxx Limited Contact details of all live suppliers can be found on the CCS website.
Lot 1 means the approximate 12 acre lot at the eastern-most end of the Plat of Subdivision, as hereinafter identified, to be purchased and developed by the Company or its affiliate. Lot 1, when platted, will be synonymous with the Property.
Lot 1 is Travel Management Services – Global and means the provision of travel management services to include the booking of rail, air, ferry, hotels, serviced accommodation, vehicle hire, coaches, taxis, and other related services; the principal focus of this Lot will be the booking of worldwide travel, accommodation and support services (including overseas vehicle hire) with complex, multi-sector, inter-continental journeys. Bookings are currently approximately 70% off-line. Air travel presently represents approximately 50% of the expenditure. The Supplier is required to support a significant transition of Contracting Bodies to on-line booking;
Lot 1 means our owned premises located at Jing-Er Road, Kalun Industrial South Region, Jiutai Economy Development Zone, Changchun, Jilin province, the PRC (吉林省長春市九台經濟開發區卡倫工業南區經二路) with a gross floor area of 12,412 sq.m. registered under Jilin Province 2019, Jiutai District, Real Property Ownership Certificate Number: 0009693/0009694/0009695/0009696 (吉2019九台區不動產權
Lot 1 means Lot 1 of this Framework as specified in Framework Schedule 2 (Services and Key Performance Indicators);
Lot 1. The implementation of a detailed energy audit for each concerned public building, combining theoretical calculations and on-site tests and measurements, and formulating proposals of improvement. See technical requirements - Lot 1 – Energy audit Lot 2: The implementation of a comprehensive water cycle audit including the freshwater consumption, pre-treatment, storage, grey and black waters post- treatment, measurement of degree of pollution at exit, potential current reuse and recycling, as well as the rainwater drainage and potential existing harvesting measures, and formulating proposals of improvement. See technical requirements - Lot 2 – Water cycle audit.