Category definition
Examples of Category in a sentence
Roads have previously been determined not eligible for the NRHP (this includes those previously submitted to SHPO as Category 1 roads under the Alaska Roads DOE Methodology).
Unless Appendix 5 specifies otherwise, the following error definitions shall apply: Level Category Description A Critical error - Error that results in the stoppage of the software or equipment, a loss of data, or in other functions that, based on an objective assessment, are of critical importance to the Customer not being delivered or not working as agreed.
The Service Area for Category ‘A’ authorization shall be the National Area.
The Service Area for Category ‘B’ authorization shall be the Telecom Circle/Metro area as defined in Annexure-V.
Step 1: Initial screening: If screening indicates the road has low potential for individual significance, then the road is considered a Category 1 road and historic roads consideration is complete.