Category Sample Clauses

Category. 5+ 1. Eligibility for Category 5+ a. An employee with a Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) Category 5 and an additional 30 semester credits, or equivalent, as accepted by TQS; i. Credits must be equivalent to standards in British Columbia’s public universities in the opinion of the TQS. ii. Credits must be in no more than two (2) areas of study relevant to the British Columbia public school system. iii. At least 24 semester credits of the total requirement of 30 semester credits, or equivalent, must be completed at the senior level. b. Post undergraduate diplomas agreed to by the TQS; or c. Other courses or training recognized by the TQS. 2. Criteria for Category 5+ a. The eligibility requirements pursuant to Article B.12.1 must not have been used to obtain Category 5. 3. Salary Rate Calculation a. Category 5+ shall be seventy-four percent (74%) of the difference between Category 5 and Category 6 except where a superior salary rate calculation remained as at March 31, 2006 and / or during the term of the 2006-2011 Provincial Collective Agreement. 4. Application for Category 5+ a. BCPSEA and the BCTF agree that the TQS shall be responsible for the evaluation of eligibility and criteria for Category 5+ pursuant to Article B.12.1 and Article
Category the category under which the product concerned falls for the purposes of tariff elimination.
Category. The WESM Rules stipulate that no person or entity shall be allowed to participate in the WESM or cause or allow electricity to be injected into or withdrawn from the Grid unless that person or entity has been registered as a WESM Member; The Company has complied with all relevant pre-requisites under the WESM Rules, the WESM Market Manuals, Retail Rules, Retail Manuals, the Green Energy Option Rules promulgated through Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) Resolution No. 08, Series of 2021 (the “ERC GEOP Rules”), DOE Circular Nos. DC2018-07-0019 and DC2020-04-0009, and other Market Documents (collectively referred hereto as “Relevant Rules and Issuances”) in order to be registered as RE Supplier in the WESM; The Parties enter into this Agreement to satisfy the conditions contained in the Relevant Rules and Issuances on WESM membership and registration with the CRB;
CategoryAll personnel within Airport & Cargo Operations in classifications enumerated in Article 6.03, are in the Airport & Cargo Operations work category and are covered by this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Company from requiring employees to work in another category/classification temporarily, provided that the employee in question is competent to perform the temporary duties required.
CategoryThe teacher's category placement as most recently determined by the Teacher Qualifications Service.
Category. 5+ 1. Eligibility for Category 5+ a. An employee with a Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) Category 5 and an additional 30 semester credits, or equivalent, as accepted by TQS; i. Credits must be equivalent to standards in British Columbia’s public universities in the opinion of the TQS. ii. Credits must be in no more than two (2) areas of study relevant to the British Columbia public school system. iii. At least 24 semester credits of the total requirement of 30 semester credits, or equivalent, must be completed at the senior level. b. Post undergraduate diplomas agreed to by the TQS; or c. Other courses or training recognized by the TQS. 2. Criteria for Category 5+ a. The eligibility requirements pursuant to Article B.12.1 must not have been used to obtain Category 5. 3. Salary Rate Calculation PCA Article B.12.3.a through B.12.3.c is not applicable in School District No. 10 (Arrow Lakes). See Article B.12.3.d below.
Category. Category" means a subclassification of state supplemental income benefits for any one of the following: Blind, disabled or elderly person. [PL 1973, c. 790, §3 (NEW).]
Category. 5+ 1. Eligibility for Category 5+ a. An employee with a Teacher Qualification Service (TQS) Category 5 and an additional 30 semester credits, or equivalent, as accepted by TQS; i. Credits must be equivalent to standards in British Columbia’s public universities in the opinion of the TQS. ii. Credits must be in no more than two (2) areas of study relevant to the British Columbia public school system. iii. At least 24 semester credits of the total requirement of 30 semester credits, or equivalent, must be completed at the senior level. b. Post undergraduate diplomas agreed to by the TQS; or c. Other courses or training recognized by the TQS. 2. Criteria for Category 5+ a. The eligibility requirements pursuant to B.12.1 must not have been used to obtain Category 5. 3. Salary Rate Calculation a. Category 5+ shall be seventy-four percent (74%) of the difference between Category 5 and Category 6. b. Where the salary rate for Category 5+ as at March 31, 2006 exceeds seventy- four percent (74%) of the difference between Category 5 and Category 6 as at April 1, 2006, the salary rate for Category 5+ as at March 31, 2006 shall remain. c. Where the salary rate calculated pursuant to B.12.3.a exceeds the salary rate calculated pursuant to Letter of Understanding No. 11, the salary rate calculated pursuant to B.12.3.a shall be implemented. 4. Application for Category 5+ a. BCPSEA and the BCTF agree that the TQS shall be responsible for the evaluation of eligibility and criteria for Category 5+ pursuant to B.12.1 and B.12.2 and the assignment of employees to Category 5+. b. BCPSEA and the BCTF agree that disputes with respect to the decisions of TQS made pursuant to B.12.1 and B.12.2 shall be adjudicated through the TQS Reviews and Appeals processes and are not grievable. Note 1: 1. In school districts where Category 5+ existed on June 30, 2006: a. This Article shall be effective September 1, 2007 at which time the criteria and processes in effect at June 30, 2007 shall no longer be applicable. b. Notwithstanding the above and the provisions of this Article, all employees assigned to Category 5+ as at June 30, 2007 shall be deemed to possess the qualifications as per this Article.
Category a. Except as otherwise provided the category placement of each teacher shall be in accordance with the teacher's qualifications as most recently determined by the Teacher Qualification Service. Verification is the responsibility of the teacher. b. Teachers holding Category 2 (EB) shall be paid on the Category 4 scale two (2) levels below their actual experience as an EB up to a maximum of Category 4, Experience Level 8. c. Persons holding a Letter of Permission (LP) shall be placed in a salary category which will provide a salary appropriate to their teaching function. This placement shall be grievable. d. The Employer, upon receipt of documentation which establishes a salary category for a teacher which is different as a result of an appeal to the T.Q.S., from that in which the teacher was initially placed, shall make a salary adjustment effective from the beginning of the current school year.
Category. United Cancelled Flights