Examples of Caucuses in a sentence
A Community Caucus is a Community Outreach Organization which, pursuant to Section 3, has been determined to be a Community Caucus following review of its most recent biennial report.Community Caucuses are authorized to endorse candidates for elective office pursuant to Article III, Section 4, Subsections H and I.
The Rules Committee shall promulgate Guidelines for Certification, Re-Certification, and Decertification of Caucuses, which shall include the process and conditions necessary to certify, re-certify, or decertify a caucus.
Community Outreach Organizations that meet certain criteria will be recognized as Community Caucuses, a periodically renewable status that confers on them certain additional, limited powers, including endorsement and the possibility of representation on the State Executive Committee.
These Guidelines shall include, as a condition of Certification and Re-Certification, a requirement that Caucuses adopt the Code of Conduct and make information about reporting process for violations of the Code of Conduct readily available to members.
This Committee is responsible for the fair and just administration of the Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention and, accordingly, neither This Committee, Democratic County Central Committees, nor any official unit of the California Democratic Party, including This Committee, its Executive Board, its regions or its Caucuses shall endorse, support or oppose candidates for the President of the United States until the Democratic National Convention has been held.
This Committee’s Regions and Caucuses are constituent parts of This Committee under campaign finance law and have no independent powers of endorsement of candidates for Public Office, nor positions on State Ballot Propositions, Initiatives, Referendum, or Recall.
This Committee recognizes that the African American, Asian Pacific Islander, Chicano Latino, Labor, LGBT, and Women's Caucuses were the original six caucuses certified pursuant to the definition contained in the 1985-7, or prior, Bylaws, defining a caucus as "ethnic minority members or other broad elements of the membership" and as such recognizes the historical significance in maintaining their existence.
Caucuses should be mindful of how their appointed representatives are perceived by other caucuses in light of the fact that the Adaptive Management Program is a collaborative effort.
Oversight of this process is the responsibility of the Regional Clearinghouse Review Committee which is comprised of local elected officials elected by Bloc Caucuses and appointed by the Chairperson to represent the issue areas in which SEMCOG works.
As the governing body of the ADP, the State Committee shall govern the ADP’s Caucuses and Councils.