CBOD5 definition
Examples of CBOD5 in a sentence
For publicly owned treatment works, the 30-day average percent removal for Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) and Total Suspended Solids shall not be less than 85 percent unless otherwise authorized by the permitting authority in accordance with 40 CFR Part 133.102, as incorporated by reference in 327 IAC 5-2-1.5. The permittee must monitor the influent and effluent CBOD5 and TSS at least once per month and calculate the percent removal to ensure compliance with the required 85 percent removal.
PVSC must consistently have effluent concentrations below 25 mg/L monthly average TSS and 20 mg/L monthly average CBOD5 to meet the 85% removal requirement and has demonstrated this through its waiver applications.
For commercial systems, monitoring for CBOD5 is generally necessary to determine CBOD5 removal efficiencies of proprietary treatment devices and/or organic loading rates to the soil’s infiltrative surface.
PVSC's permit limitations are 30 mg/L monthly average TSS and 25 mg/L monthly average CBOD5.
CBOD5) means quantitative measure of the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria while stabilizing, digesting, or treating the organic matter under aerobic conditions over a five-day incubation period while in the presence of a chemical inhibitor to block nitrification; expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L).