CE marking definition

CE marking means a marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the product is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Union harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing;
CE marking means a marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the product is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Community harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing;
CE marking means a marking which takes the form set out in Annex II of RAMS (as amended from time to time);

Examples of CE marking in a sentence

  • The CE marking shall be subject to the general principles set out in Article 30 of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008.

  • EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION (continued) As a preventative measure it is recommended to use basic Personal Protective Equipment, with the corresponding <<CE marking>> in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

  • EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION (continued) As a preventative measure it is recommended to use basic Personal Protective Equipment, with the corresponding <<CE marking>> in accordance with Directive 89/686/EC.

  • EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION (continued) As a preventative measure it is recommended to use basic Personal Protection Equipment, with the corresponding <<CE marking>> in accordance with Directive 89/686/EC.

  • The use of products not bearing CE marking beyond the investigation period is wholly the responsibility of the investigator.

More Definitions of CE marking

CE marking means a marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the measuring instrument is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Union harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing.
CE marking means a marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the pressure equipment or assembly is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Union harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing;
CE marking means a marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the subsystem or the safety component is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Union harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing;
CE marking means a marking by which a manufacturer indicates that a product with digital elements and the processes put in place by the manufacturer are in conformity with the essential requirements set out in Annex I and other applicable Union legislation harmonising the conditions for the marketing of products (‘Union harmonisation legislation’) providing for its affixing;
CE marking means a marking by which the manufacturer indicates that the electrical equipment is in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Union harmon­ isation legislation providing for its affixing.
CE marking means a marking by which the installer or the manufacturer indicates that the lift or safety component for lifts are in conformity with the applicable requirements set out in Union harmonisation legislation providing for its affixing.
CE marking means the CE marking referred to in regulation 12; “the Commission” means the European Commission;