foreign national means the following:
Academies Financial Handbook means the document with that title published by the EFA and amended from time to time, on behalf of the Secretary of State.
Department of Information Technology means the New Mexico Department of Information Technology which is responsible for operating the data center and all communications related items.
Cooperating country national (“CCN”) means an individual who is a cooperating country citizen or a non-cooperating country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country.
Mutual housing corporation means a corporation not-for-profit,
Department of Health and Human Services means the Department of Health and Human Services
FIFA means the Federation Internationale de Football Association.
EEA national means a national of one of the following countries:
UK National means a person who is a British citizen (including persons from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man), a British subject under Part IV of the British Nationality Act 1981 having the right of abode in the UK or a British Dependent Territories citizen acquiring his/her citizenship from connection with Gibraltar.
Michigan national guard means that term as defined in section 105 of the Michigan military act, 1967 PA 150, MCL 32.505.
third-country national means any person who is not a citizen of the Union within the meaning of Article 17(1) of the Treaty;
National Road Traffic Act means the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act 93 of 1996);
State historic preservation officer or "officer" means the state historic preservation officer appointed by the governor under 16 U.S.C. 470a.
international agreement means the Multilateral Convention for Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, any bilateral or multilateral Tax Convention, or any Tax Information Exchange Agreement to which the Member State is a party, and that by its terms provides legal authority for the exchange of tax information between jurisdictions, including automatic exchange of such information.
Healthcare services means any services included in the furnishing to any individual of medical, podiatric, or dental care, or hospitalization, or incident to the furnishing of that care or hospitalization, and the furnishing to any person of any and all other services for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing, or healing human illness, injury, or physical disability. Medically Necessary means medical, surgical, or other services required for the prevention, diagnosis, cure, or treatment of a health-related condition, including such services necessary to prevent a decremental change in either medical or mental health status. Originating Site means a site at which a patient is located at the time Healthcare Services are provided to them by means of telemedicine, which can be include a patient's home where Medically Necessary and Clinically Appropriate. Store-and-forward Technology means the technology used to enable the transmission of a patient's medical information from an Originating Site to the Healthcare Provider at the Distant Site without the patient being present. Telemedicine means the delivery of clinical Healthcare Services by use of real time, two-way synchronous audio, video, telephone-audio-only communications or electronic media or other telecommunications technology including, but not limited to: online adaptive interviews, remote patient monitoring devices, audiovisual communications, including the application of secure video conferencing and store-and-forward technology to provide or support healthcare delivery, which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, counseling and prescribing treatment, and care management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at an Originating Site and the Healthcare Provider is at a Distant Site, consistent with applicable federal laws and regulations. “Telemedicine” does not include an email message or facsimile transmission between a Provider and patient, or an automated computer program used to diagnose and/or treat ocular or refractive conditions. General Requirements
Department of Health means the Washington state department of
Home health services means part-time or intermittent skilled nursing services, other therapeutic services (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy), and home health aide services made available on a visiting basis in a place of residence used as the client's home.
COVERED HEALTHCARE SERVICES means any service, treatment, procedure, facility, equipment, drug, device, or supply that we have reviewed and determined is eligible for reimbursement under this plan.
Home health care services means medical and nonmedical services, provided to ill, disabled or infirm persons in their residences. Such services may include homemaker services, assistance with activities of daily living and respite care services.
Beacon means a highway traffic signal with one or more signal sections that operate in a flashing mode. (ORC 4511.01(KKK))
Delaware General Corporation Law means the Delaware General Corporation Law, 8 Del., et. seq., as amended from time to time.
Source Protection Plan means a drinking water source protection plan prepared under the Clean Water Act, 2006;
Blockchain means a digital ledger or database which is chronological, consensus based, decentralized and mathematically verified in nature;
Corporation/ Corpn./ Department means the Central Warehousing Corporation.
General Agreement means the Government Officers Salaries, Allowances and Conditions General Agreement PSA AG 25 of 2002 or its replacement or the Public Service General Agreement PSA AG 24 of 2002 or its replacement whichever is applicable.
Home Health Care means the continual care and treatment of an individual if: