Certificate Beneficiaries definition
Examples of Certificate Beneficiaries in a sentence
The CA or Signing Service MUST require, as part of the Subscriber Agreement, that the Applicant make the commitments and warranties set forth in Section 10.3.2 and/or Section 10.3.3 of this document, as applicable, for the benefit of the CA and the Certificate Beneficiaries.
You represent and warrant to Entrust and all Certificate Beneficiaries that You have the authority to bind Your Affiliates to this Agreement and the CPS as a Subscriber (if Your Affiliates are issued any Certificate(s) or otherwise receive any Certificate Services in connection with the Management Services purchased hereunder, if applicable).
Customer represents and warrants to Entrust and all Certificate Beneficiaries that Customer has the authority to bind all Subscribers to the Agreement if and to the extent that such Subscribers are issued any Certificate(s) under this ECSS Schedule through Customer’s Management Account.
The Certificate Beneficiaries are expressly agreed to be third party beneficiaries under the Agreement for Certificate Services.
Subscriber and AgreementPrior to the issuance of a Certificate, the CA SHALL obtain, for the express benefit of the CA and the Certificate Beneficiaries, the Applicant’s agreement to the Subscriber Agreement with the CA.The CA SHALL implement a process to ensure that each Subscriber Agreement is legally enforceable against the Applicant.
Except for the Certificate Beneficiaries, no other third party has any rights or remedies under this Agreement.
This way, it is possible to manage resources rationally, mainly by maximizing outputs from given inputs or minimizing input use in the production of given outputs [Krumbhakar, Lovell 2004].
TunTrust requires, as part of the Subscriber Agreement, that the Applicant makes the commitments and warranties in this section for the benefit of TunTrust and the Certificate Beneficiaries.Prior to the issuance of a Certificate, TunTrust obtains, for the express benefit of TunTrust and the Certificate Beneficiaries, the Applicant’s agreement to the Subscriber Agreement with TunTrust CA.TunTrust implements a process to ensure that each Subscriber Agreement is legally enforceable against the Applicant.
Those representations and warranties are solely for the benefit of Certificate Beneficiaries and are not made to you as a Certificate Services subscriber under this Agreement.
In addition to the representations and warranties you make to XXX.xxx in this Certificate Services Agreement, you make the representations and warranties stated in the CP/CPS to the Relying Parties and other Certificate Beneficiaries.