Certified individual definition

Certified individual means a natural person who meets or exceeds the Certification Program requirements to be certified, has been granted certification, and remains in good standing.
Certified individual means an individual who the Division certifies under A.R.S. Title 28, Chapter 13 to perform specified activities for an authorized third party as an employee or contractor. The Division may certify an individual as a:
Certified individual means an individual who successfully passes a test accredited by the agency, completes the education required for renewal, and satisfies any other requirements established by OAR chapter 812.

Examples of Certified individual in a sentence

  • Please indicate below your company’s designated XXXX Certified individual, who is responsible for requesting CORI’s and ensuring employment decisions are consistent with EOHHS XXXX requirements specified in 101CMR 15.00.

  • The foregoing obligations will survive any termination, defeasance or discharge of this Indenture and will apply mutatis mutandis to any jurisdiction in which any successor to a non-U.S. Payor is organized or otherwise considered to be a resident for tax purposes or any political subdivision or taxing authority or agency thereof or therein.

  • BPI requires that each QCI Certified individual obtain 24 CEUs over the three (3) year duration of the certification.

  • Energy Code for COMcheck submittals must be signed by either the architect for the envelope, the engineer for mechanical, interior, and exterior lighting or by an ICC Certified individual with ICC# included.

  • Richard Hall Community Mental Health Center, a division of the County of Somerset, is seeking a NJ Yoga Certified individual to provide yoga instruction to clients enrolled in the Center’s Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration (PBHCI) Grant as well as the Center’s children’s intensive outpatient program (CHAP).

More Definitions of Certified individual

Certified individual means a person who has met and continues to meet the applicable requirements for certification by the SPFA or its authorized agent or third-party designee under the SPFA PCP. A Certified Individual may hold more than one SPFA PCP certification.
Certified individual means an individual who successfully completes an approved educational training program and obtain a certificate, as described in Section 30 of this Act;
Certified individual means an individual who is certified by the Department under A.R.S. Title 28, Chapter 13 to perform specified activities for an authorized third party as an employee or contractor. The Department may certify an indi- vidual as:
Certified individual means an individual who successfully completes an approved
Certified individual means an individual who successfully passed a test accredited by the agency or who successfully passed the National Home Inspector Examination and who completes the education required for renewal and satisfies any other requirements established by OAR chapter 812.
Certified individual means someone who has successfully passed the registered side sewer contractor exam.
Certified individual means a person who has met and continues to meet the applicable requirements for certification by ABAA or its authorized agent or third party designee under ABAA Certified Air Barrier Specialist Program. A Certified Individual may hold more than one ABAA certification.