Section 14 Upon timely request, the Department of Administrative Services shall make available at no cost to the Union the latest copy of any SEIU Local 503, OPEU bargaining unit employee statistical and expenditure reports relative to employment and benefits currently produced by the Department of Administrative Services which do not require manual or machine editing to remove confidential data or non-SEIU Local 503, OPEU bargaining unit employee data. Such request must be made in advance of the preparation of the reports. If new and appropriate employee statistical and expenditure reports are produced by the Department of Administrative Services, the Department and the Union may mutually agree in advance to provide such reports at no cost.
Paragraph 2nd The Concessionaire must promote at the respective municipal authorities the agreements necessary to the establishment of the conditions for the surpassing of the interferences in the network required to the rendering of the service, including that which relates to the cutting and clipping of trees.
Section 3.5 45 Neither the District, nor the Association, shall discriminate against any employee subject to this 46 Agreement on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, religion, age or marital status or because of a physical 1 handicap with respect to a position, the duties of which may be performed efficiently by an individual 2 without danger to the health or safety of the physically handicapped person or others.
Section 3.4 26 Each employee reserves and retains the right to delegate any right or duty contained in this Agreement, 27 exclusive of compensation for services rendered, to appropriate officials of the Association.
SECTION 112 Governing Law..................................................14 SECTION 113. Legal Holidays.................................................14
Section 3.2 39 Each employee shall have the right to bring matters of personal concern to the attention of appropriate 40 Association representatives and/or appropriate officials of the District.
Section 17 Right Certificate Holder Not Deemed a Stockholder................13 Section 18. Concerning the Rights Agent......................................14 Section 19. Merger or Consolidation or Change of Name of Rights Agent........14 Section 20.
PARAGRAPH TWO This Agreement shall also be accelerated, upon which the debt shall become enforceable and any disbursements shall be immediately suspended, on the date when any person who exercises a salaried position at the BENEFICIARY or is among its owners, controlling members, or officers is certified or takes office as a Federal Deputy or Senator, as such persons are subject to the prohibitions set forth in article 54, items I and II of the Federal Constitution. No default charges shall be imposed if the payment occurs within five (5) business days from the date of such certification, under penalty of otherwise the charges established for events of acceleration due to default being imposed.
Section 12 contained herein shall be construed to include in the bargaining unit any person whose duties 44 as deputy, administrative assistant, supervisor, xxxxxxx or secretary necessarily imply a confidential 45 relationship to the Board of Directors or Superintendent of the District pursuant to RCW 41.56.030 (2).
Section 6 5 No Action Except Under Specified Documents or Instructions............................23 Section 6.6 Restrictions..........................................................................24