Examples of Certified Program in a sentence
Production plant inspection conducted by a National Pre- Cast Concrete Association Onsite Wastewater Certified Program Representative will be considered to meet the registration inspection requirement.
The local AAA/SDSD unit may delegate, in writing, completion of the PASRR Level I form to a Certified Program if the individual to be screened is a current Medicaid client being discharged from an acute care hospital to a Medicare certified nursing facility.
The supply control, rather than the UEP Certified Program itself, was the per se antitrust violation without procompetitive justification.
Employee agrees that she has fully negotiated this Section 4 of her Agreement with the Company to provide for sufficient severance pay, as appropriate, upon termination of employment.
Dennis holds a Bachelorof Science (Mathematical and Informational Sciences) and is a Certified Program Manager (Office of Government Commerce, UK).• Greg Hadingham is Chief Risk Officer for TruePillars.