CFAF definition
Examples of CFAF in a sentence
The government’s claims include CFAF cash balances, postal checking accounts, secured liabilities, and all deposits by government agencies with the BCEAO and the commercial banks, with the exception of government industrial and commercial agencies (EPIC) and state-owned corporations, which are excluded from the calculation.
Employment surveys such as 1-2-3 provide estimates for all monetary and non-monetary benefits related to employment (various bonuses, paid leave, housing, in-kind services, etc.) which supplement basic income.Table 1 Average Income from Main Activity(Age 15 years and above, in thousands of monthly CFAF) Public SectorFormal PrivateSectorInformal Sector Source : Enquête sur l’Emploi et le Secteur Informel au Congo (EESIC) 2009, Republic of Congo; authors’ calculations.
The studies showed that the global poverty line, which was set at CFAF 118,227 per year per adult equivalent in 1994/95, rose to CFAF 129,890 in 1999/2000.
In article 11, this law lays down a sentence of from 5 to 10 years in prison for traffickers and their accomplices and a fine of CFAF 5-10 million.
The poverty line for rural areas rose from CFAF 65,369 to CFAF 74,868 during that period, while the poverty line for urban areas rose from CFAF 144,621 to CFAF 156,990.