Examples of Chairperson of the General Assembly in a sentence
Respective requests may be circulated by the Chairperson of the General Assembly in hard copy or by email.
The Chairperson of the General Assembly shall draft the minutes of each meeting, even those referred to above, to formalise in writing all decisions taken and shall dispatch them to all Contractors within fifteen (15) calendar days after the concerned meeting.
Such co-chair shall be deemed Chairperson of the General Assembly in case the Representative of the Project Leader does not attend.
The Chairperson of the General Assembly will have a casting vote.
If the Chairperson of the General Assembly or the Management Board determines that a decision cannot be arrived at by consensus, the Chairperson may decide to submit the matter to a vote by the General Assembly.
Decisions of which the subject matter has not been duly announced in the agenda of a meeting may only be taken if no Beneficiary objects; absent Beneficiaries shall have the opportunity to object subsequently to these decisions within a reasonable period of time to be specified by the Chairperson of the General Assembly.
In case of agreement the Beneficiaries can either return the signed original to the Chairperson of the General Assembly, or they can scan the signed original and send an electronic copy by email to the Chairperson of the General Assembly.
Where a General Assembly meeting shall be inquorate, the Chairperson of the General Assembly shall reconvene the Representatives at a date no later than three (3) weeks from the date of the original meeting, and shall advise the Representatives accordingly by notice in writing.
With regard to the sections on the Honorary Chairperson of the General Assembly, the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Baltic Sea Advisory Council.
The Chairperson of the General Assembly is elected, at the first meeting, by 2/3-majority decision of the representatives of the Contractors, among the members of the General Assembly, for the term of this Consortium Agreement; sets, in co-operation with the Project Coordinator , the agenda for meetings of the General Assembly; chairs meetings of the General Assembly; in his/her absence, the General Assembly appoints an acting chairperson.; He/She does not have a casting vote.