Members of the General Assembly definition

Members of the General Assembly means each member of the Senate of Virginia and the House of
Members of the General Assembly means each member of the Senate of Virginia and the House of Delegates and their legislative aides when working on behalf of such member.

Examples of Members of the General Assembly in a sentence

  • Members of the General Assembly shall annually receive as compensation for their services such sum as may be provided by law and mileage at the rate provided for by law for the actual distance traveled in the most direct route going to and returning from their homes on weekend adjournments of the General Assembly at the place where the sessions of the General Assembly are held.

  • This rule has not been designated as a ‘‘significant regulatory action,’’ under Executive Order 12866.

  • A member of the General Assembly, who leaves office or retires with at least eight years of credited service in the Retirement System for Members of the General Assembly, is eligible to participate as a Retiree.

  • During the map-drawing process, Members of the General Assembly should: Hold public hearings across the state to make sure citizens like me can advocate for our communities.

  • Members of the General Assembly and Council of State are also subject to the Ethical Standards for Covered Persons under Article 7, Chapter 163A.

  • Members of the House of Representatives and former Members of the General Assembly, not subject to the foregoing limitations, shall be allowed on the floor of the Senate inside the rail.

  • Members of the General Assembly shall, in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the sessions of their respective houses; and for any speech or debate in either house shall not be questioned in any other place.

  • Any decision may also be taken without a meeting if a) the Coordinator circulates to all Members of the General Assembly a suggested decision with a deadline for responses of at least 10 calendar days after receipt by a Party and b) the decision is agreed by 51 % of all Parties.

  • Any agenda item requiring a decision by the Members of the General Assembly must be identified as such on the agenda.

  • Governor and 170 Members of the General Assembly - The EOC provides recommendations regarding programs, policies and funding based upon the level of achievement for students and schools as well as program evaluations.

Related to Members of the General Assembly

  • Member of the Group means any one of them.

  • Procurement Policy Board or “PPB” shall mean the board established pursuant to Charter § 311 whose function is to establish comprehensive and consistent procurement policies and rules which have broad application throughout the City.

  • Replacements shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.3.1 hereof.