Chapter 30 definition
Examples of Chapter 30 in a sentence
The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30, Section 39R concerning Contractor records.
This is consistent with TA‑96 and Chapter 30 of the Code,3 wherein service quality and standards, e.g., Universal Service, 911, Enhanced 911,4 and Telecommunications Relay Service, are and remain statutory obligations of the telecommunications carriers.
All bids are subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 30, 39M.
All pesticide applications made on school property must be made by applicators or operators licensed to apply pesticides by the NJDEP PCP per the New Jersey Administrative Code Title 7 Chapter 30; Subchapters 1-12.
The Contract will be awarded to "the lowest responsible and eligible bidder" pursuant to General Laws Chapter 30, Section 39M, as amended.
Any bid which does not comply with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30, Section 39M, as amended, need not be accepted and the Owner may reject every such bid.
Contractors shall be required to comply with all applicable Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30 S.39M, and all other applicable Massachusetts General Laws.
This is consistent with TA‑96 and with Chapter 30 of the Public Utility Code, wherein service quality and standards, i.e., universal service, 911, Enhanced 911, and Telecommunications Relay Service, are inherent obligations of the local exchange company and continue unaffected by a negotiated agreement.
Invitation to Bid Procedures and award of the Contract shall be in accordance with Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 30, 39M, plus all applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations.
The parties hereby agree that the provisions of Section 53 of Chapter 30 of the General Laws are, in their entirety, hereby rendered of no force and effect in their application to members of the bargaining unit.