Chapter 660 definition
Examples of Chapter 660 in a sentence
Conference with Jeremy Meyers and Shelly King, District Labor Negotiators, regarding Labor Negotiations with the Black Oak Mine Teachers Association and the California School Employees Association, Gold Chain Chapter #660.
The statutory citations for this chapter are the Texas Education Code, §7.105, Texas Government Code, Chapter 660, and the General Appropriations Act.
In no event can the aggregate amount of all Competitive Bid Loans at any time exceed fifty percent (50%) of the then Aggregate Revolving Credit Commitment.
The Department reserves the right to waive or modify any requirement under this Agreement, or any Program Requirement, as authorized by and in accordance with Assembly Bill No. 1010 (Chapter 660, Statutes of 2019) (“AB 1010”), which is codified at Health and Safety Code section 50406, subdivision (p).
If an employer has not participated in the training of an apprentice under ORS Chapter 660 for at least 2 years prior to seeking entry or reentry into the apprenticeship program, the employer may select as initial apprentices those bona fide employees who have been on his/her payroll for at least 90 days (500 OJT hours) prior to the employer's application for an apprentice and who meet the current minimum qualifications.
Conference with Jeremy Meyers and Shelly King, District Labor Negotiators, regarding Labor Negotiations with the Black Oak Mine Teachers Association and the California School Employees Assiociation, Gold Chain Chapter #660.
Details on the uses allowed in farm zones are found in ORS Chapter 215 and in Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 660, Division 33.
It specifies that the city is responsible for the public facilities plan required by Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 660, division 11.
All credit and collection procedures for both residential and nonresidential Customers will be based upon Chapter 660 and Chapter 870 of the Commission’s Rules and Regulations.
In the event of the discovery of such unauthorized use of water, the Customer shall be immediately disconnected, pursuant to Chapter 660.