Examples of Check Accessibility in a sentence
If you don't see the Check Accessibility button on the Review tab, you might have an older version of Word, Excel or PowerPoint.
In the Check for Issues drop-down menu, select Check Accessibility.
MS Word (and other Microsoft software) provides an Accessibility Checker for identifying and repairing accessibility issues, which is located under the Review tab and Check Accessibility sub-tab.
Brightspace has a strong range of accessibility features, including the Check Accessibility tool in the HTML editor for the VLE.
This work has been performed with the use of the Hybriden facility at CEA-Grenoble (France).
To activate, click on File, Info, Check for Issues, and Check Accessibility.
If you’re using Outlook, note that you’ll only see the Review tab when writing or replying to messages.Select Check Accessibility Review your results.
In a window system it is possible to do this by going to the File Menu, clicking Check for Issues and then Check Accessibility.