Chemical restraint definition

Chemical restraint means the use of medication to control a student’s violent physical behavior or restrict a student’s freedom of movement.
Chemical restraint means the use of a psychotropic drug or other drugs for punishment or to modify behavior in place of a meaningful behavior or treatment plan.
Chemical restraint means the use of a drug or medication to control the behavior of a student or restrict the free movement of the student; however, chemical restraint does not include the use of medication that is prescribed by a licensed physician, or other qualified health professional acting within the scope of the individual’s professional authority under state law, for the standard treatment of a medical or psychiatric condition of a student and is administered as prescribed by the licensed physician or other qualified health professional acting within the scope of the individual’s professional authority under state law.

Examples of Chemical restraint in a sentence

  • Chemical restraint" means any substance given to a child to subdue or restrict movement or behavior as punishment or for staff convenience.

  • Chemical restraint, mechanical restraint and seclusion are prohibited in all public school education programs.

  • Chemical restraint is the involuntary emergency administration of medication, in immediate response to a dangerous behavior.

  • Chemical restraint does not include medications prescribed for the treatment of a diagnosed disorder identified in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (fifth edition), medications prescribed for treatment of a seizure disorder, or a medication that is routinely prescribed in conjunction with a medical procedure for persons without developmental disabilities.

  • Chemical restraint shall mean the use of drugs or chemicals for the specific and exclusive purpose of controlling aggressive patient behavior, which restricts the patient’s freedom of movement by rendering the patient semi-stuperous or unable to attend to personal needs.

More Definitions of Chemical restraint

Chemical restraint means the administration of any drug to manage a vulnerable adult's behavior in a way that reduces the safety risk to the vulnerable adult or others, has the temporary effect of restricting the vulnerable adult's freedom of movement, and is not standard treatment for the vulnerable adult's medical or psychiatric condition.
Chemical restraint means a drug or medication that is used on a student to control behavior or restrict freedom of movement that is not prescribed by a licensed physician or other qualified health professional acting under the professional’s scope of practice for standard treatment of the student’s medical or psychiatric condition; and administered as prescribed by a licensed physician or other qualified health professional acting under the professional’s scope of practice.
Chemical restraint means the use of medication to control a student's violent physical behavior or restrict a student's movement.
Chemical restraint means the administration of a drug or medication to manage a student’s behavior that is not a standard treatment and dosage for the student’s medical condition.
Chemical restraint means any substance given to a child to subdue or restrict movement or behavior as punishment or for staff convenience. Chemical restraint is prohibited by ODJFS.
Chemical restraint means a drug that meets all of the following criteria:
Chemical restraint means a psychopharmacologic drug that is used for discipline or convenience and not required to treat medical symptoms.