Examples of Chief Internal Auditor in a sentence
One of the key requirements of the standards is that the Chief Internal Auditor should provide progress reports on internal audit activity to those charged with governance.
The Chief Internal Auditor provides an independent opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the system of internal control.
The Council’s Chief Internal Auditor has responsibility for the Council’s Internal Audit function and is professionally qualified and suitably experienced to lead and direct the Council’s Internal Audit staff.
The Council’s Chief Internal Auditor has responsibility to review independently and report to the Audit Committee annually, to provide assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of conformance with the PSIAS.
A copy of the response will be forwarded to the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager for monitoring purposes.
The Investment Committee will consist of the Chief Financial Officer, Comptroller, Treasury Services Coordinator, OMB Director, and the Chief Internal Auditor.
During the year under review, the Audit Committee held a separate meeting with the Statutory Auditors and the Chief Internal Auditor to get their inputs on significant matters relating to their areas of audit.
The PSIAS refers to the role of Chief Internal Auditor, and requires this officer to ensure and deliver a number of key elements to support the internal audit arrangements.
One of the key requirements of the PSIAS is that the Chief Internal Auditor should provide an annual report to those charged with governance, to support the Annual Governance Statement.
The Treasurer shall establish a system of internal controls, which shall be documented in writing and filed with the Treasurer’s Chief Internal Auditor for review.