Chief Prosecutor definition
Examples of Chief Prosecutor in a sentence
So no one was eager to address the looming problem that arose in 2008 regarding the KLA atrocities alleged by ex-ICTY Chief Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte.
The European Chief Prosecutor may in a specific case take a reasoned decision to prolong the time frame by a maximum period of five days, and shall inform the national authorities accordingly.1a.
The Office of the Chief Prosecutor shall be a component of the Office of Military Commissions and shall be comprised of the Chief Pros- ecutor, Prosecutors, and other persons properly under the supervision of the Chief Prosecutor.
Scott, First Deputy Chief Prosecutor Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement P.
Counsel shall be detailed in accordance with regulations of the Secretary of Defense, or by the Chief Prosecutor or the Chief Defense Counsel.
Such an authorisation may be granted, upon the written request of the national prosecution authorities, by the European Chief Prosecutor for a maximum period of up to 6 months.
A subpoena may be issued by the military judge, the Chief Prosecutor or his designee, or by an officer detailed to take a deposition to secure witnesses or evidence for those proceedings respectively.
The territorial investigative jurisdiction shall be determined by the Minister of Justice of Georgia on the recommendation of the Chief Prosecutor of Georgia.
The Chief Prosecutor and Chief Defense Counsel, who shall have such qualifications as are prescribed in the M.C.A. and in regulations that may be promulgated by the Secretary of Defense, shall be selected and assigned by the Secretary of Defense or his designee.
The Permanent Chamber shall communicate any decisions to refer a case to national authorities on the basis of paragraph 2a to the European Chief Prosecutor.