Examples of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO in a sentence
The Owner will be represented by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Town of Perth.
If an incident meets designated thresholds for Proclamation or Declaration of a State and/or Federal Emergency or Disaster, the Department of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), acting as the City’s Authorized Agent, will develop a method for collecting financial documentation from departments as needed for submission as part of the City’s reimbursement application process.
Additionally, on that day, pursuant to California Government Code 8630, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), serving as the County of San Diego (County) Director of Emergency Services and as the Coordinator of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization, issued a Proclamation of Local Emergency regarding COVID-19.
The office shall be headed by a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).
The Human Resources Director and the requesting Department shall then present the planned reorganization to the City’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) who shall review the organizational and financial impact of the proposed reorganization on the affected Department and the City and shall make a report to the Finance Board and the City Council.