Examples of Church in a sentence
The Church Attorney will represent the Church in proceedings under this Title.
The Budget of the Diocese, including its obligation to The Episcopal Church and Province V, shall be funded, in part, by an annual apportionment of each Congregation and Seasonal Chapel.
The Diocesan Council shall monitor compliance with the requirements related to the Church Pension Fund of the Canons of the General Convention in a timely and effective manner and work to resolve any deficiencies in that compliance.
The Diocesan Council shall have full powers over all property conveyed or transferred to iit, in trust or otherwise, or held or received by it, for or in connection with the work and business of the Church and the Diocese, or elsewhere, and to collect, pay out, and dispose of all income received or held by it for any such purpose aforesaid, subject, however, to the terms of the trust or trusts under which any such property or money may have been received by it.
SAV of declined markedly during apparently in with the decline of extensive in Chesapeake Relatively beds still occur on Lhe southeastern shore of the off Church Neck, in Cre Carolina and in ‘rangier (Xxxxxx The sounds of dominated a mixture of freshwater angiosperms (i.