Church of Christ definition

Church of Christ means a congregation which:
Church of Christ means the whole of the members whose names are for the time being on the roll of any particular congregation of a church known or styled as a Church of Christ at any particular place in the State of New South Wales, being a church which is affiliated under the Constitution.
Church of Christ means the whole of the members whose names are for the time being on the roll of any particular congregation known or styled as a Church of Christ at any particular place in the State of New South Wales or the Australian Capital Territory.

Examples of Church of Christ in a sentence

  • More information on types of pastorate in the United Church of Christ can be found in the Call Agreement Workbook.

  • On behalf of the United Church of Christ, and on the basis of the best knowledge available to them, your conference staff will validate your completed Local Church Profile when it is ready to be shared in relationship with prospective new leaders.

  • INSTRUCTIONSThe new Local Church Profile supports the calling and discernment of United Church of Christ congregations with their current or future pastoral leadership.

  • INSTRUCTIONS The new Local Church Profile supports the calling and discernment of United Church of Christ congregations with their current or future pastoral leadership.

  • Persistent and public denial of the Christian faith, willful or criminal conduct grossly unbecoming a member of the Church of Christ, continual and intentional interference with the ministry of the congregation, or willful and repeated harassment or defamation of member(s) of the congregation is sufficient cause for discipline of a member.

  • Persistent and public denial of the Christian faith, willful or criminal conduct grossly unbecoming a member of the Church of Christ, continual and intentional interference with the ministry of this congregation, or willful and repeated harassment or defamation of member(s) of this congregation is sufficient cause for discipline of a member.

  • For purposes of family/medical leave only, a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, dentist, podiatrist, clinical psychologist, optometrist, chiropractor limited to manual manipulation of the spine to correct a subluxation as demonstrated by x-ray, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, nurse mid-wife, Christian Science practitioner listed with First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, and clinical social worker.

  • Denial of the Christian faith as described in this constitution, conduct grossly unbecoming a member of the Church of Christ, or persistent trouble-making in this congregation are sufficient cause for discipline of a member.

  • Persistent and public denial of the Christian faith, willful or criminal conduct grossly unbecoming a member of the Church of Christ, continual and intentional interference with the ministry of the this congregation, or willful and repeated harassment or defamation of member(s) of the this congregation is sufficient cause for discipline of a member.

  • The sanatorium must be accredited by the Department of Care of the First Church of Christ, Scientist; Boston, Massachusetts.

More Definitions of Church of Christ

Church of Christ means a church affiliated with the Association of Churches of Christ in Western Australia.
Church of Christ means a church affiliated with the Conference of Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania.
Church of Christ means a church affiliated with Churches of Christ in South

Related to Church of Christ

  • Church means a building:

  • Motorway means a road specially designed and built for motor traffic, which does not serve properties bordering on it, and which:

  • Headteacher means the most senior teacher in the Academy who is responsible for its management and administration. Such teacher may also be referred to as the Head of School or Principal.

  • Parade means a public procession, sometimes including a marching band or float(s) and often of a celebratory nature, held in honor of an anniversary, event, person, cause, etc.

  • one-way street means a highway in which the driving of vehicles otherwise than in one direction is prohibited;

  • Road means any highway and any other road to which the public has access, and includes bridges over which a road passes.

  • Fellowship means a fellowship in a professional medical college recognized by the Board after consultation with the Medical Advisory Committee.

  • ESBD means the Electronic State Business Daily, the electronic marketplace where State of Texas bid opportunities over $25,000 are posted. The ESBD may currently be accessed at

  • LTD means NMC Healthcare Limited (in administration);

  • Abbeyfield Home means an establishment run by the Abbeyfield Society including all bodies corporate or unincorporated which are affiliated to that society;

  • Beach means the sandy, pebbly or rocky shore -

  • Director of Nursing means the Registered Nurse Level 5, appointed as such, who has charge of the nursing staff and who may also be required to supervise other staff (including domestic staff).

  • Motorboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;

  • Health care means any of the following intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of a human ailment or impairment:

  • Façade means the principal front or fronts of a building.

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Air freshener means any consumer product including, but not limited to, sprays, wicks, powders, and crystals, designed for the purpose of masking odors or freshening, cleaning, scenting, or deodorizing the air. Air fresheners do not include products that are used on the human body, products that function primarily as cleaning products, disinfectant products claiming to deodorize by killing germs on surfaces, or institutional or industrial disinfectants when offered for sale solely through institutional and industrial channels of distribution. Air fresheners do include spray disinfectants and other products that are expressly represented for use as air fresheners, except institutional and industrial disinfectants when offered for sale through institutional and industrial channels of distribution. To determine whether a product is an air freshener, all verbal and visual representations regarding product use on the label or packaging and in the product's literature and advertising may be considered. The presence of, and representations about, a product's fragrance and ability to deodorize (resulting from surface application) shall not constitute a claim of air freshening.

  • Boathouse (NR 115.03(1h)) means a permanent structure used for the storage of watercraft and associated materials and includes all structures which are totally enclosed, have roofs or walls or any combination of these structural parts.

  • CHAPS means same day electronic transfer of funds payments in GBP in the UK made through the Clearing House Automated Payment System (CHAPS).

  • Drive means to operate or be in actual physical control of a

  • Zurich Banking Day means a day on which banks are open in the City of Zurich for the settlement of payments and of foreign exchange transactions.

  • local road means a sealed or unsealed road for which the council is the responsible road authority under the Road Management Act 2004

  • Internet Banking means the service we offer by which you can access and transact on a nominated account by using a personal computer and accessing via our website. This includes transactions processed through the mobile banking facility as well as the smartphone app facility.

  • Swale means a shallow depression in the ground sloping to a place for disposal for the purpose of providing a method of drainage of surface water.

  • OHF means the Ontario Hockey Federation (or such other name as the OHF may in the future legally adopt);