Civic Address definition
Examples of Civic Address in a sentence
Last First Middle Initial(s) (and/or, if applicable) Company Owner’s Civic Address City Province/State Country Postal Code/ZIP B.
Local Municipality: Concession Lot No. Registered Plan No. Lot No. Reference Plan No. Part No. Civic Address (b) When was property acquired: Registered Instrument No.
AgriStability PINCorrespondence language preferred EnglishFrenchCheck and complete ONE of the followingINDIVIDUAL First Name / Last Name CORPORATION Corporation Name Name a corporate representative Business mailing address Civic Address (incl.
Middle Initial(s) (and / or, if applicable)Company ............................................................................................................................................................................Owner’s Civic Address .....................................................................................................................................................City ......................................................................
Trade Name of Applicant (if applicable) Division involved with the Project (if applicable)Department involved with the Project (if applicable) Civic Address line 1Civic Address line 2 (if applicable) CityProvince/State CountryPostal Code/Zip code If the address above is not in the Province of Alberta, insert the address of the Applicant’s physical presence in Alberta and identify the nature of its physical presence in Alberta.