Examples of Claim Notification in a sentence
If the Contractor does not concur with the District’s decision regarding the Claim Notification, the Contractor will issue a formal Claim Appeal within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the District’s decision and all detailed information in support of the Claim Appeal within thirty (30) days.
Guidance when making a claim Claim Notification Conditions that apply to the policy and in the event of a claim are set out in your policy wording.
You should call Blue Cross and Blue Shield at the toll‐Free number listed on the back of your identification card as soon as possible to appeal an Urgent Care Clinical Claim.** Notification may be oral unless the claimant requests written notification.
Claim Notification: The Company must be notified in writing that an Insured Member has suffered one of the Critical Illness conditions within thirty days from the occurrence of such illness.
Claim Notification Conditions that apply to the Policy and in the event of a claim are set out in this Policy.