Section 6.2.1 Sample Clauses

Section 6.2.1. 3 All year-round employees shall earn vacation credit according to the following schedule: 5 A. An employee with less than three (3) years of service shall earn eighty (80) hours per 7 B. An employee with three (3) years of service will earn an additional forty (40) hours of 8 vacation. 9 C. An employee with four (4) years or more of service will earn an additional eight (8) hours 10 of vacation for each year of service to a maximum of two hundred (200) hours of 11 vacation per year.
Section 6.2.1. 34 It is also mutually agreed that vacations shall be scheduled at the request of the employee, unless 35 such vacation time would disrupt the normal activities of the school district. An employee may 37
Section 6.2.1. Taxes.....................................................................48
Section 6.2.1. 46 Association representatives, when leaving their work, shall first obtain permission from their 47 immediate supervisor. The employees will report their return to work to their immediate 48 supervisors.
Section 6.2.1. 12 The District shall allow Association representatives to participate in negotiations, grievance 13 hearings, or disciplinary hearings during working hours if they cannot reasonably be scheduled 14 during non-working hours. Released time for negotiations shall be limited to one representative 15 from each job classification or a number equal to the number of job classifications; released time 16 for grievance hearings shall be limited to the grievant, required witnesses, and one (1) Association 17 representative, and released time for disciplinary hearings shall include one (1) Association 18 representative.
Section 6.2.1. 43 The first shift shall consist of eight (8) hours of work out of a minimum of eight and one-half (8½) 44 hours or a maximum of nine (9) hours of consecutive time coinciding with a minimum of thirty (30) 45 minutes to a maximum of sixty (60) minutes of uninterrupted lunch period as near the middle of the 46 shift as is practicable and also including a fifteen (15) minute first half and a fifteen (15) minute 47 second half rest period, both of which shall occur as near the middle of each half shift as is 48 practicable.
Section 6.2.1. 35 Full time employees are defined as employees whose work year consists of two-hundred and 36 sixty (260) days at eight (8) hours per day. 37
Section 6.2.1. 2 Employees who are approved by their supervisor to work through their duty-free meal period 3 will be compensated at their rate of pay.
Section 6.2.1. Upon the mutual agreement of the impacted employee and their immediate supervisor, 31 an employee may be able to work a four (4) day, ten (10) hour per day workweek during periods that 32 the regular school year is not in session. Employees working a four (4) day, ten (10) hour per day 33 workweek shall not be eligible for overtime for hours worked beyond eight (8) hours per day as 34 specified in Section 6.1.2 of the Agreement.
Section 6.2.1In the event a work-related interruption requires the presence of the employee during the 33 scheduled rest period, the employee shall be entitled to schedule, with the supervisor’s or 34 designee’s approval an alternative rest period.