Clay loam definition
Examples of Clay loam in a sentence
Yes (see map) Average soil texture at pond bottom elevation (USDA) Clay loam Distance from pond bottom to bedrock > 5 feet Distance from pond bottom to seasonal water table Pond bottom 2 ft.
Soil Types (Texture, structure & depth): Sandy, Sandy loam, Loamy sands, Loams, Clay loam, Clay.
Clay loam is present at the edge of the foothills in the northeastern area of the Cawelo GSA.Figure 3-4 also illustrates the recharge basins within the GSA that are located along Poso Creek and west of the Cawelo GSA boundary.
The differences between the infiltration capacity curves for the two cases can be seen in Figure 4.3. In looking at Table 4.1 above, this indicates that with the good lawn management the soil / management combination is expected to behave more like a Sandy loam than like the original Clay loam with 27.5% < clay < 34% for a bare soil.
Clay loam shall contain not less than 2% or more than 6% organic matter as determined by the loss on ignition of oven-dried samples.
The project road being situated on the Upper Basin of Mahanadi River, the terrain for the entire stretch is plain with the soil composition being Clay loam, clay and Moorum type.
Experimental field was tested for soil analysis before transplantation which constitute N: 0.041 %, P: 8.71 mg kg-1, K+: 103 mg kg-1, O.M: 0.77 %, pH: 7.6 with a textural class: Clay loam.
The typical soil profile is 0 to 21 inches of Clay loam and 21 to 60inches of Silty clay loam.
As an example of the approach, we take the following:- soil = Clay loam with 27.5% < clay < 34% in Table 4.1- mid-range hydrologic class C soil- KL parameter values a = 0.411, k = 0.00659, and f0 = 0.0004433- I8,bare = 3.88” using Eqn.
EXAMPLE TEST PLAN - PARTICIPATORY DEVELOPMENT OF OPTIMUM NITROGEN APPLICATION Farmer Rahmat AliBlock Supervisor Kalim Uddin Agricultural Extension Officer Fazlul Karim Scientific Officer Ziaul Haque, BRRI Objective: Test the cost effectiveness of nitrogen applications in Boro rice variety BR17 Location: Clay loam soil on flat land, AEZ 12, Siramnagar village, Sadar Thana, Pabna District.