Clerk I definition
Examples of Clerk I in a sentence
XX Xxxxxx, County Judge Date ATTEST: Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, County Clerk I hereby certify that funds are available in the amount of $ to accomplish and pay the obligation of Fort Bend County under the terms of this Agreement.
Mayor Municipal Clerk I, Cathy Mellett, Municipal Clerk of Halifax Regional Municipality, here by certify that the above noted By-law was passed at a meeting of Halifax Regional Council held on October 23, 2012.
The Business Office Clerk I is responsible for assistance with all business office functions relating to accounting, record keeping, internal funds and processing of needed paperwork.
The Board of Supervisors may at any time change the salary ranges for the classes of Executive Clerk I, II and III and Executive Secretary.
Per: _________________________________ Coordinator, Utility Generalists Per: _________________________________ City Clerk I, _______________________________, of the City of ____________, in the Province of Alberta, MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: I was personally present and did see ______________________________ named in the within instrument, who is(are) known to me to be the person(s) named therein or identification was provided to me, duly sign the instrument.
Tabatha Ferguson, Bosque County Clerk Deputy Clerk I have consulted with and advised my client concerning the charges and my client’s rights, including the plea entered and its consequences.
Each of the different job titles included in Appendix A is a class (e.g., College Clerk I and College Clerk II are different classes).
Time spent underfilling shall qualify to meet the experience requirement for Collections Clerk I or II.
Classified unit members hired as School Clerk I hired prior to 2013 and Paraprofessional, English Language Development, hired prior to 2012, will be considered to have satisfied the required competency in the second language.
Except for a Clerk I who shall in no circumstances be bumped by any employee other than another Clerk I, full-time employees whose jobs have been eliminated or reduced in hours or workdays or who have been bumped because of such eliminations or reductions may bump the least senior person within her/his classification group working the same number of scheduled workdays per year.