Coca bush definition
Examples of Coca bush in a sentence
Coca bush cultivation remains concentrated in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.
NOAA-14 X 15 have been used successfully to monitor hurricane; clouds, snow, ice, forest fires, surface temperature, vegetation patterns, clear cutting of trees and production of biomass.2 .4 Monitoring Programme for Illicit CropsIt is astounding to know that satellite remote sensing images can be employed to help monitor illicit cultivation of Coca bush and Opium poppy according to Harruyama (2000:9).
Surface area of land cultivated with the Coca bush on a worldwide level (1994-2008) Source: Executive Summary of the World Report on Drugs 2009, Office of the United Nations against Drugs and Crime, p.7. 2009/Executive summary Spanish.pdf The UNODC report “Bolivia, Coca leaf crop monitoring, 2008”, shows that coca leaf cultivation increased by 6% (30,500 ha) from 2007 (28,900 ha).
Coca bush cultivation surveys in Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Colombia and Peru, 2020.