SITC definition
Examples of SITC in a sentence
The UN's International SITC product classification (Standard International Trade Classification) is used in indices whose base year is 1949.
We are applying for SITC and Maintenance of following security equipment in the branches and offices of your Zone.
SITC Data Goods data appearing in Exhibit 15 are classified in terms of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Revision 3.
We therefore maximise the number of useable observations by replacing these cases of missing values with linear 15 Conversion tables between SITC and ISIC only exist for the 5-digit level of SITC, which is our justification for using this level of disaggregation.
Online electronic bids are hereby invited for and on behalf of Central University of Karnataka, for Supply, Installation Testing &, Commissioning (SITC) of 30.5 Mtr.