Examples of Commercial bus in a sentence
Commercial bus drivers are strictly regulated as to driving hours in order to comply with the legal requirements for safety.
Trailer includes, but is not limited to, the following types of trailers:(1) Balance trailers.(2) Bus trailers.(3) Commercial bus trailers.
Commercial bus vendors must show evidence of limits of at least $5,000.000.
Commercial bus vehicles (Combined single limit) $10,000,000.00 5.
Commercial bus routes may be reviewed although it is unlikely that any changes would be made to the existing routes to divert via the school.
Commercial bus services are also very common in Germany in regional transport and smaller cities (indeed the legislation includes provisions on the primacy of commercial viable UPT service provisions which is a German context specific situation– so-called “Eigenwirtschaftliche Verkehre”).
Section 4: Commercial bus services sets out the NTA’s statutory responsibility for the licensing of public bus passenger services which are delivered by private operators and which do not receive any PSO subsidy.
Commercial bus operators may start commercial bus lines wherever they see fit, but they must report it to the Regional Authorities.
Commercial bus services are governed only by the need of the market, and do not receive funding from state resources.
This funding is broadly for the following purposes:• Commercial bus services kilometre support.• Contracted bus services kilometre support.• Community transport kilometre support.• Other community transport support.• Local authority support.• Programme management.