Commercial mobile radio service provider definition

Commercial mobile radio service provider or “CMRS provider” means a person authorized by the Federal Communications Commission to provide CMRS in the State.
Commercial mobile radio service provider means a telecommunications provider that is authorized by the federal communications commission to provide commercial mobile ser- vice.
Commercial mobile radio service provider or "CMRS provider" means cellular licensees, broadband personal communications services (PCS) licensees, and specialized mobile radio (SMR) providers, as those terms are defined by the Federal Communications Commission, which offer on a post-paid or prepaid basis or via a combination of those two methods, real-time, two-way switched voice service that is interconnected with the public switched network and includes resellers of any commercial mobile radio service.

Examples of Commercial mobile radio service provider in a sentence

  • Commercial mobile radio service provider: A person or entity that provides commercial mobile radio services.

More Definitions of Commercial mobile radio service provider

Commercial mobile radio service provider or “CMRS provider” means a person authorized
Commercial mobile radio service provider means any person, corporation, or entity licensed by the federal communications commission to offer commercial mobile radio service in the state of Tennessee, and shall include, but not be limited to, broadband personal communications service, cellular radio telephone service, geographic area specialized mobile radio services in the 800 MHz and 900 MHz bands that offer real-time, two-way voice service that is interconnected with the public switched network, incumbent wide area SMR licensees, or any other cellular or wireless telecommunications service to any service user.
Commercial mobile radio service provider means a carrier who provides wireless telecommunications services.
Commercial mobile radio service provider means a person who provides commercial mobile radio services, including a person who purchases commercial mobile radio service from a provider and resells that service;
Commercial mobile radio service provider means any provider that offers the services defined in 47 CFR Section 20.9.
Commercial mobile radio service provider means a commercial mobile radio service provider as defined by and pursuant to 47 U.S.C. ss. 153(n) and 332(d).
Commercial mobile radio service provider or "CMRS provider" means cellular licensees,