Examples of Commissioner of Railways in a sentence
The taxpayer in McLaurin had made claims for a total amount of £30,240 as compensation for damage to property as a result of a fire that had spread from a property owned by the Commissioner of Railways.
Provided that paragraph (c) and regulation 7A shall not apply to the Commissioner of Railways or any person appointed by him as weighman.
IDA member states agreed that an additional SDR 56.44 million to finance the forgone principal reflows should be included as part of IDA’s overall financing commitments during IDA16 based on fair burden share.
However, the court considered the character of the payment in the hands of the recipient could not be determined by the payer’s (the Commissioner of Railways) uncommunicated reasons for agreeing to pay the amount.
The £12,350 lump sum offer was based on a valuation of the items of property for which the claims had been made, as carried out by a valuer employed by the Commissioner of Railways.
The Commissioner of Railways made a settlement offer of £12,350 and the taxpayer accepted it “in full settlement of all claims for damage arising out of” the fire.
Cost of after hours inspections All inspections by the Station Master in connection with oil vessels at wharves or jetties authorised or required by or under these by-laws when made during periods other than the ordinary working hours on such wharves or jetties shall be paid for by the agents or Master of every such oil vessel at rates to be determined and declared from time to time by the Commissioner of Railways.
Dr GALLOP replied: (1) Yes, the interview panel was as follows: Dr Jim Gill, Commissioner of Railways (Chairperson); Ms Anne Dunn, Chief Executive Officer, Department of Family and Community Services; Mr Cedric Wyatt, Commissioner, Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority; and Professor Fiona Stanley, Director, WA Research Institute for Child Health.
Therefore, issue of provisional speed certificate for the vehicle becomes a necessity and based on the same, the approval of running of the vehicle on Indian Railways track is taken from Commissioner of Railways Safety.
This may include coordination with Commissioner of Railways Safety (CRS) and Electrical Inspector of Govt.