Examples of Common Assurance in a sentence
There is also a lack of standards in this area and in our work we were inspired by the Common Assurance Maturity Model [10] and the EuroCloud Star Audit model [11].To support the execution of a BP fragment model, a cloud must provide an API that exposes the requested function for executing and connecting BP process fragments.
For example, in seeking to meeting Common Assurance #7 listed in the State Plan on page 74, we are directing states to consider the resources made available from the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP.) They have recently released a guide that digs deep into what universal accessibility will mean for the workforce system.
For example, in seeking to meet Common Assurance #7 listed in the State Plan on page 101, we are directing states to consider the resources made available from the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).
The Cloud Security Al- liance’s (CSA) Common Assurance Maturity Model (CAMM) and Cloud Controls Matrix Work Group, are the leading initiatives of industrial Cloud secu- rity metrics research.
Appendix B includes the latest version of the AMASS Platform Common Assurance & Certification Metamodel (CACM).
Further, Common Assurance #10 affirms each state plan’s commitment to meeting the requirement that “one-stop certification policy that ensures the physical and programmatic accessibility of all one-stop centers with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.” However, merely meeting legal requirements should not be the end of this process.
This discussion is usually grouped under the concept of inventory management (Bloomberg et al.
We commend Louisiana for addressing each Common Assurance and each program- specific Assurance individually and referring readers to the proper section/authority.
Name: Common Assurance Maturity ModelScope: A global collaborative project that aims to provide a framework to support transparency in attesting the Information Assurance Maturity of Third Party Providers & Suppliers (e.g. Cloud providers).
Al- beit there exist some activities that tackle the applicability limitation of the current CVSS, such as Common Assurance Metric (CAM) introduced by the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) [1], work is still in the initial phases.