Examples of Holding Tank Waste in a sentence
Any Person who has a Building Sewer connected to a District's sewer, or contributes, causes, or permits the contribution of Wastewater into the District's Wastewater Facilities, including those who discharge Holding Tank Waste into the facilities.
B) Holding Tank Waste No person shall discharge any holding tank wastes or wastes from barrels, storage tanks, or any other such containers into a public sewer unless that person has obtained a permit from the District to do so.
The volume of flow used for computing the wastewater surcharge shall be metered water consumption as shown in records maintained by the Water Utility subject to adjustment as otherwise herein provided, or the actual volume of wastewater as determined by a waste metering installation.(c) Holding Tank Waste.
Section 12: Late Payment Penalty This section contains the rate charged for a late payment penalty for the year 2018.KEY ISSUES (Cont’d) Update of Cost Recovery Procedures Manual, Including 2018 User Charge Rates Section 13: Charges for Special Waste Septic and Holding Tank Waste Staff recommends that the present disposal rates remain at $25.19 per thousand gallons for holding tank waste, $33.15 per thousand gallons for septic tank waste, and a permit fee of $250/vehicle.
For purposes of this Section, the terms "Holding Tank Waste" and "Licensed Disposer" shall have the same meaning as provided for in the Del-Hart Ordinance, as amended from time to time.