common-law partner definition

common-law partner of an individual means another individual who has cohabited with the individual in a conjugal relationship for a period of at least one year;
common-law partner refers to a person living in a conjugal relationship with an employee for a continuous period of at least one (1) year
common-law partner of a person means a person who, not being married to the other person, is cohabiting with him or her in a conjugal relationship of some permanence; (« conjoint de fait »)

More Definitions of common-law partner

common-law partner means a person who has been cohabiting with an individual in a conjugal relationship for at least one year, or who had been so cohabiting with the individual for at least one year immediately before the individual’s death.
common-law partner of a member or former member means
common-law partner means an individual who has been cohabiting with a Producer in a conjugal relationship for a period of at least one (1) year.
common-law partner means a common-law partner as defined in Part II of the Act. (« conjoint de fait »)
common-law partner of a deceased person means
common-law partner has the meaning set forth in the Act;
common-law partner means a man or woman who cohabits with another person of the opposite sex as if they were legally married;