common law definition

common law. SPOUSE means two people who have cohabitated as spousal partners for a period of not less than one (1) year.
common law means the common law of England;
common law means the common law of the Island; “compulsory school age” see section 23 of the Education Act 2001;

Examples of common law in a sentence

  • Neither the VILLAGE nor its insurer shall be responsible or liable for any amount subject to statutory or Common Law immunity or any amount greater than the limits of liability for municipal claims established by Wisconsin Law.

  • Common Law Partner - a person to whom the employee is not legally married but with whom the employee has been living in a conjugal relationship for at least one year.

  • As such, all and any Intellectual Property rights vesting in a Party, whether by Legislation or otherwise (including but not limited to the Common Law), will remain vested in that Party.

More Definitions of common law

common law. SPOUSE means two people who have cohabitated as spousal partners for a period of not less than one (1) year. CONSOLIDATED CERTIFICATION means the certification awarded by the Labour Relations Board of British Columbia to the Nurses’
common law. SPOUSE means two people who have cohabitated as spousal partners for a period of not less than one (1) year. DAY SHIFT means a shift in which the major portion occurs between 0700 and 1500 hours. DEMOTION means a change from an employee’s position to one with a lower maximum salary level. EMPLOYEE means any person who is covered by the certification awarded by the Labour Relations Board of British Columbia (or any succeeding Acts).
common law. SPOUSE means two people who have cohabitated as spousal partners for a period of not less than one (1) year. An employee shall not have more than one spouse at any time. DAY SHIFT means a shift in which the major portion occurs between 0700 and 1500 hours. DEMOTION means a change from an employee's position to one with a lower maximum salary level.
common law. SPOUSE means two people who have cohabited as spousal partners for a period of not less than one (1) year. DEMOTION a move from one position to another position with a lower salary. EMPLOYEE means a graduate nurse covered by the certification.
common law means a marriage-like relationship where the common-law spouses have been living together for one year or more.
common law. SPOUSE means two people who have cohabited as spousal partners for a period of not less than two (2) years. DEMOTION means a move from one position to another position with a lower salary. EMPLOYEE means a graduate nurse covered by the certification. EMPLOYER means the Facility, Limited Company or Corporation named in the certification. EVENING SHIFT means a shift in which the major portion occurs between 1500 and 2300 hours. INCREMENT STEP means the annual graduation of monthly wages within a classification, as set out in Article 54 - Wage Schedules.
common law. (普通法) means the common law in force in Hong Kong; (Added 26 of 1998 s. 4)